Tuesday, July 28, 2009


In the book of Job, as God speaks from a whirlwind, he sets up his challenging "conversation" to Job by sayng "Brace yourself like a man!" Lately through reading scriptures from Job 38-40, having dreams about what will happen in the earth, and is already happening, some, and through prophecy, it's like the Lord is saying to the church, "!" We have to get ready for what God is about to do, and what he might allow in our nation and in the world. He knows the time and season, Jesus is longing for his bride. And the earth (and the true church) is longing for Jesus...Beloved, the time is NOW to allign our hearts with the will of the Father. To pray in the spirit. To be bold and obedient. To declare with heaven, the glory of God on the earth. HOLINESS UNTO JESUS! The Lord is raising up a generation who's only cry is "Holiness unto the Lord!" and that he wanted to raise up a "Matthew 5" generation. ARE YOU AWAKE TO THAT? Are you listening to the voice of God or the echo of others? (even "Christians") In Psalm 103:7, it says,"He revealed His CHARACTER to Moses and His DEEDS to the people of Israel." Remember when the Israelites did not want to seek God "face to face," but just allowed Moses (their "Pastor," so to speak...) to hear from God for them? Well, they missed out on a beautiful treasure, an intimate knowledge of WHO GOD WAS...what He was really like, and could have pleased him a lot better if they had known for themselves. Yes, they saw miracles and provision, God's "deeds," but Moses got to see God's "Character!" Are YOU willing to climb the mountain of His presence? Are you hungry to know God for yourself? To hear his secrets? To know what he's like and how to please him? DO YOU WANT TO BE CHANGED until your very face shines? It won't happen through a second-hand experience or a "hand-me-down" word. It will only happen when yousee God for yourself. Don't settle...Don't run away from God. Run TO him. get alone with Him and pour your heart out. Climb that mountain and stay there until he reveals himself to you. "Jesus give us eyes to see your beauty and ears to hear your voice. We don't just seek your hand, we seek your face!" Time is short. Walk close to Him and heed his instructions. Be ready! "Brace yourself like a man." He's coming. You will see signs and wonders in the earth. You will feel the earth trembling. Let the Lord shake your spirit as he will shake this earth. Some of the "shaking" you will see, is God, shaking our nation(s) by the shoulders out of sleep, with his own hands saying "WAKE UP!" God is calling for true worship. SOUND THE ALARM! Isaiah 58:1...

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