Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Here's My Life

Monday, December 27, 2010

The End of Twenty Ten

As I sit her typing this blog, I keep thinking about the past decade. How there are something I wish that I could just go back and change, the regrets that I have that I go "if I could just chage that moment" or "that circumstance" "just change that choice". I think iff I could go back and change thing, that things would be different yes.. but because of those moments, yah even the bad choices and the pain I have felt and the things I had to deal with because of those choices. At the end of the day I wouldnt change them.. because they changed me... some may say "but Lisa somethings you did you hurt other and you wouldnt want to change that?". Yah I would want to change the hurt that I cause people, I dont want people to hurt because of my stupidity. But you see through all that God changed me.

I think alot of times we think, just that the "what if's" and the things we regret and wish we could change, and we dont see that somtimes God uses things like our stupid choices and he takes out nasty mess and changes it into somthing beatiful. That he begans to mold us and change us, because its in those moment we realize we messed up that we become broken before God, and I believe it's though our brokeness that he begans to change us. (Psalm 34:18 ESV The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit)

It's never easy knowing your past, and things you did wrong, but its amazing to know that God it's finished with you yet. That he is willing to clean you up heal you and change you into the person he created you to be? SO dont look to the past with regret, because the next decade will look diffrent, people will see changes in you as along as you dont look at the what if's in life, and look to the one what has a plan for your life no matter your mistakes.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I cant live a day without you.....

this is so true, as I listened to this song this morning, I began to think how lost I would be without him, it because of Jesus that im alive, that I can wake up in the morning and know that whatever I face that day, that i'm not facing it alone, because I stand on his promise that he gave in Hebrews 13:5 when he tells me that "I'll never let you down, never walk off and leave you," (message version)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Do you Remember?.....

Today I was thinking about a song I heard Mia Fields sing.. and it had me thinking how so many times we go from being on fire for God to being comfortable to almost forgetting who he really is.. so as I read these lyrics agian today I began to think how would I feel if God said this to me?..

"do you remember when dancing was undignified and just my name could make you cry? when grace was still amazing because it was more than just a song.. Do you remember? Do you remember at all?... Remember, how we use to talk and you would call me ABBA GOD?.. and knowing i love you was the of greatest reward? When worship wasn't well rehearsed? and Buildings didn't mean the church? And to be with me a hour didn't seem like a such chore?.. Do you remember? Do you remember at all?..."

these words are so true, so many times we go to church because its just what we do, but what do we do. It just becomes a routine. Today my prayer is that we begin to have that fire agian, where we dont care who is around us, or what people think about us, or where we are looking at our cell phones and watches in church wondering when is the over?.. but we began to have church that isnt set by time limit that we cant get enough of his prence that we have a hunger and thirst that only he can quench that even we go home, that we gaurd our time with hime so wedont go backto being in the place of forgetting who God is, and what he has done.. that when people see us they want what we have..

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


"May integrity...protect me."
Ps 25:21 NIV

Though repeatedly tempted by Potiphar's wife, Joseph said no. Faced with similar circumstances, David said yes. But the story doesn't end there. David married Bathsheba; when their son Solomon grew up he took seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines, and his wives turned his heart away from God (See 1Ki 11:3). Integrity may not seem like a big deal now, but your lack of it will have far-reaching consequences. Integrity means keeping commitments, even though the circumstances in which you made them have changed. One leader points out that when integrity is the referee, your lips and your life will be in agreement. Your beliefs will be mirrored by your behavior. There'll be no discrepancy between what you appear to be and what you are, whether in good times or bad. Integrity is not only the referee between opposing value systems, it's the decision maker between being at peace and being fragmented within. It frees you to become a whole person no matter what comes your way. There's a story about a job applicant who was asked why he was discharged from his last position. He replied, "Because I wanted to take work home with me." When asked who he worked for, he replied, "The First National Bank." We smile, but in a recent survey of employees, 55% said they didn't trust their top management. Are you trustworthy? Will Rogers said: "People's minds are changed through observation, not argument. People do what people see. What they hear, they understand; what they see, they believe and follow." That's why a corrected and contrite Psalmist prayed, "Guard my life...let me not be put to shame...May integrity...protect me" (Ps 25:20-21 NIV).

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Come as you are....

This is one of those songs, that really shows you how amazing our God is. That no matter what your going through, no matter the shame you carry, he is waiting for you with arms wide open, ready to hold you, ready to wash your sins clean to make you brand new. and all you have to do is come to him just as you are.

He’s not mad at you
And He’s not disappointed
His grace is greater still
Than all of your wrong choices

He is full of mercy
And He is ever kind
Hear His invitation
His arms are open wide

You can come as you are
With all your broken pieces
And all your shameful scars
The pain you hold in your heart
Bring it all to Jesus
You can come as you are

Louder than the voice
That whispers you’re unworthy
Hear the sound of love
That tells a different story

Shattering your darkness
And pushing through the lies
How tenderly He calls you
His arms are open wide

Saturday, October 16, 2010

God Can't Love Me...

Romans 8:31-39 (The Message)

So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn't hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn't gladly and freely do for us? And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God's chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ's love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture:

They kill us in cold blood because they hate you.
We're sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one.
None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I'm absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.

So many times I read this scripture growing up,and knew that God is LOVE and that he would always love me no matter what, but that was until I messed up... and Satan had me believing that there was no way that God could love me now...

John 10:10 (NIV)
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy

I’ve learned a huge lesson the past year and a half and it was a hard, and when I say hard I mean HARD lesson that I learned, I was broken and thought that God couldn’t use me, that the thing I had done was unforgivable, and I couldn’t even forgive myself and that there was NO WAY anyone even God could ever love me. Because when you hurt someone you love its hard to even conceive the thought of forgiveness and just being hated even by God. The past year I went though a time where I came to a place where I finally understand GRACE. And I understand that the enemy used everything he had to bring me down and to even, end it all… he knew the right things to say, he knew what to say to just break me to pieces.

"My mistakes are running through my mind and I’ll relive my days, in the middle of the night When I struggle with my pain, wrestle with my pride Sometimes I feel alone, and I cry"

Here I was, believing a lie of God doesn't love me, that no one does, and I didn't even love myself, and that if I couldn't forgive myself that God couldn't either. I went through months of going to church, and trying to break through this but I couldn't. As I tried to worship I'd sit there and beg God for forgiveness, but it was like all I could hear was you really think God could forgive you? that he loves you? after what you did?.

It was a dark time where I was tormented with this day in and day out. During this time I'd believe every single lie that Satan would tell me. On days when things seem to get better, all of a sudden I felt like I was being hit from every direction and could find shelter.

"Well the past is playing with my head & failure knocks me down again I’m reminded of the wrong That I have said and done & that devil just wont let me forget"

In late June, I just had a bad day at work and wrote a email to someone and said "UGH!!" on my way home I seen I had a new email on my blackberry, so I opened it and it said " bad thing just follow you". In that moment while I was driving home I yelled at God and said "See God!.. Everyone hates me everyone thinks bad of me!" and it was like Satan was just laughing at me...

When I arrived home, my mom was asleep and I wrote her a note that said "I love you, Going off". I got in the car and begun to drive to Starbucks and while I was driving all I could hear was, "don't you see you'll never be anything that not a person loves you and bad things are always going to follow you around.. you should just end it now you have a gun.. just pull it out, because no one is even going to care your gone" I went through Starbucks ordered my drink and pulled in the parking lot and sat there.

I didn't think I could take much more. So, as I drank my coffee, I opened up my console and pulled out my gun. I sat the coffee down, and placed the gun to my head. I yelled to God and said I guess this is it I have someone who hates me and most of all I know you have to. So in that moment I pulled the trigger.... and the gun clicked.. and all of a sudden a song began to play from my cell phone

" Please lay down your arrows 'Cause they're sure to pierce the skin and water from a broken well will make you thirst again When all things you've acquired are tested by the flames and you can see them melting then will you call His name?..Did you know that you are dearly loved?"

In that moment God said how many times have I told you I loved you?.. and the memories came of when a lady at a conference came up to me and hugged me and said "God said to tell you he loves you".. than again a month later when I was at church a usher walked up to me and hugged me and said "God told me to tell you He loves you".. and I remember shaking my head saying how??? how can you love me??.. and he said I love you no matter what you have done I love you,that it doesn't matter if anyone else in the world loves me or not that he loves me, that he loves me so much he wouldn't let me hurt myself, he reminded me that he wouldn't have sent his son to be beaten beyond recognition for someone he didn't treasure that he didn't think was valuable?.. He showed me that I was worth something that he loved me that much that he did send Jesus to pay for that mistake that mess up.

No matter how much you or I've messed up, no matter the sin, he loves us. Just like the lady who was brought before Jesus, who had committed adultry and all the people were trying to see what he would say since the rule was to stone the person. Instead of condeming her for her sin, he reached down and started drawing in the sand, it was almost like he was saying I'm not afraid to get dirty to save you, i'll reached down and clean your mess how ever many times it takes to show you that I love you, and that I want you in eternity with me, and I love the part where he says the first among you with no sin cast the first stone, and one by one they left. You see no matter what he will to forgive and love you. because he WANTS you. people may not forgive you or love you, but the GOD who created the universe cares for you and loves you more than me or you will ever deserve. and all you have to do is ask for forgivness and he gives it freely.

"Spread wide in the arms of Christ there's a love that covers sin No greater love have I ever known; You considered me a friend Capture my heart again"

Even though the "trail" wasn't over yet for me, That moment changed me, it changed me from being the person I was to being someone who finally understood who there God was, and that he cared for me, and that I don’t have to carry the weight of who I’ve been because I was forgiven. even though it hasn't been a easy road, I know who's hand I'm holding walking down this road.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

..Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus...

Haven't you been listening?
God doesn't come and go. God lasts.
He's Creator of all you can see or imagine.
He doesn't get tired out, doesn't pause to catch his breath. And he knows everything, inside and out. He energizes those who get tired, gives fresh strength to dropouts.

For even young people tire and drop out, young folk in
their prime stumble and fall.
But those who wait upon God get fresh strength.
They spread their wings and soar like

We dont serve a God who is sitting in heaven just looking down at a sea of humanity We serve a God who looks down and see's individulas and he see's you and he knows ur name!. So turn your attention to the one who can give you FRESH strength The one who will pick you up and who will hold up ur arms and will enable you to fly.. turn your eyes upon Jesus he is holding your life, he is holding your heart, he is holding your marriage, he is holding your family, he is holding your problems and He is the soulution and he is holding you in the palms of his hands..

Friday, September 17, 2010

..Picture Grace...

Grace – Grace is God's unmerited favor. It is kindness from God we don't deserve. There is nothing we have done, nor we can ever do to earn this favor. It is a gift from God. Grace is divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration (rebirth) or sanctification; a virtue coming from God; a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine favor

If there was anyone in the bible that understood grace, it would be the apostle Paul, he started out as the chief of sinners, and he ended up the chief of the apostles. The way he made the transition from the chief of sinners to the chief of the apostles was because of GRACE.
Someone once said that if you ever seen a turtle on a fence post he didn’t get there by himself,. So if you ever seen a saint of God seating in church with there bible and there life straighten out there addictions broken and there name written in the lambs book of LIFE.. You know this that they did not get there by themselves or if you have ever seen someone praising God in freedom you know this they didn’t get there by themselves. You can know that God and his grace lifted them up to where they are at. You see Grace is a gift that gets us to the place that we could not get on our own.
The estimate of any object is determined by what a person is willing to pay for that object. When God looked at us, silver and Gold wasn’t enough to pay the price for us. That our worth was more than silver and gold that it was worth his only son’s blood being shed, and if you ever wondered if God loved you, Calvary is God’s answer. You have great worth to him.

In 2Corinthians 12:8-9 Paul is talking about sufficient grace three times he asked God, get me out of this trial, and three times God said my grace is sufficient for you, I will not remove it, because I am teaching you something I am allowing you to go through the darkness there is treasures out of this darkness, Jesus says what I teach you in the darkness you will proclaim in the light ! (Matthew 10:27). Your going through something and you don’t understand and it’s so dark and you almost want to give up and your on the brink of surrender and walking away from everything. But you have to understand Jesus said that I will talk to you in the darkness about things that you will proclaim in the light. You see the law came by Moses but the grace by Jesus Christ.
In John 8:3-11 there is this woman caught in the act of adultery, meaning since she was caught in the act she was probably barely clothed and dragged in humiliation and thrown down at the feet of Jesus, and the Pharisees said Moses and the law says stone her. Well you see one problem with judgmental people is they don’t know when to shut up. They hear something and They will text and talk on there cell phone about it until the phone is dead and than go home and get on the house phone and talk and talk, cause they don’t know when to shut up and they talk to much. You see if the Pharisees would have just stopped talking and said Moses and the law says stone her. They could have picked up rocks and been in line with the law. And Jesus may have watched it happen. But they talked to much, and they turned to Jesus and said what do you say Jesus?.. But at that moment Jesus made a transition out of the law that came by Moses, but grace and truth came by JESUS, he stepped in Grace stepped in and looked at the woman and listened to her accuser and than.. he stooped down and began touching dirt, maybe the reason he started touching the dirt was a sign to the woman who felt so dirty that he didn’t mind getting his hands dirty to rescue her, that when you cant get to him he will stoop down and touch dirty messed up shameful filthy lives with his nail scared hands that he isn’t so high and holy that he cant get his hands dirty. That’s enough but than he stood up and said if any of you with out sin throw the first stone, they all dropped the stones and walked away, and Jesus stood and he said where are your accusers now? And she said there none. The only one who could have accused her because he was the only sinless one didn’t have any rocks in his pocket. The bible said as though Jesus thought she still didn’t get it. John 8:8 says he stooped down again, put his hands in the dirt as to say to her that I don’t care how many times I have to stoop, I don’t care how many times I have to get my hands dirty , or how many times you do this over and over I’m going to stoop down and I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty Im not afraid to touch the dirt in your life because I love you so much I’ll keep stooping down and getting my hands dirty until I get you saved.
Sometimes we think God, I’ve messed up to bad you cant use me, but you see he stooped down and through his basin of mercy he has poured his grace on you to clean you up. He doesn’t care about your past the messes you have made. He is offering his grace, he paid a price for you and he will turn the bad in to good for his glory.

You see there is NOTHING that you can do to separate you from the love of God. And its not what you have done but its about what Jesus has done he has stepped in and he gave his life, so you may live. Don’t let your past hold you back from where God wants to take you, because by his grace we are saved. And by his Grace my sins are washed away.
God can and will move in any circumstance, just give it to him and let his grace set you free..

Saturday, August 21, 2010

James 1:1-8

Going thorough the book of James notes for James 1:1-8..

James 1:1 James names himself as a servant of God & of Jesus. Let's not whiz past this. James know his place& who he is.

Before any other title or name we or the world could give us, we are servants of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. This defines us.

1:1 "2 the 12 tribes in the dispersion." 40-50 AD. This is a Jewish house church. These are children & family of persecuted church in acts.

Dispersion means: he's writing to the Jews who scattered during the persecution of the early church. This makes verse 2 more amazing

Jm.1:1 makes vs2 much more awesome. He's writing to people who are persecuted £ed on for their faith. So he meets them where they are.

some versions say in James 1:1 "bondservant" Bondservants were servants by choice, surrendering their rights to their master Slaves were often marked by an earring. When the slave became a bondservant, the earring was nailed to the master's door.

1:2 see that many of us take our "ministry" to the world when God shows us to just love people where they are. He comforts the hurting first

If we are not careful, we will think more of our ministry than the people we minister to.James didn't rush in w/agenda but loved the hurting

Vs.2 have you ever watched a suspense movie 4 the second time and still been worried for the Hero? NO! You already know how it ends!

V.2 James is showing us that as children of God we must remember that God is @ the end of our storms looking back on them and He's @ work.

James 1:4- I'm often left "incomplete" because I'm busy trying to pray my way out of God's life shaping storms in my life.

James 1:5-8: vs.5 is one of the most known yet mist ignored verses in James. We can truly pray to God for wisdom. And He gives it freely.

Yet, how many times have I asked for deliverance from my storms instead of wisdom to walk thru it, letting steadfastness finish it's work?

James 1:5-8 God is offering wisdom freely to all who ask. How many times a week do you pray for wisdom: in friendships, marriage, decisions

Wisdom is Life Knowledge. There are plenty of smart people in the world. But there is a shortage today of Wisdom.

Vs.6-8 Doubleminded: is our faith compartmentalized? We trust God w/our job but not w/our health. Our time but not our wealth. Doubleminded

The "waves" of everyday life have their way with us until we truly understand that we can trust Him. He says He gives wisdom. So believe Him

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Leave The Past Behind

dwelling on past events
and brooding over times gone by;
I am doing
something new;
it's springing up - cant' you see it?
I am making a road in
the desert,
rivers in the wasteland.

- Isaiah 43:18-19

Reading this Scripture I knew that God wanted me to understand that He was indeed doing something new in my life. In fact I had heard those verses before and really liked the idea of His doing something new that He would make a way for me where it looked dry and wasted. But this time I knew He wanted me to see verse 18 and that the two verses really did go together. That got me to thinking.

I didn't need to ask if I really was dwelling on past events. I was the queen of brooding over times gone by. When the God brought this to my attention there were a few things that I found interesting. First of all, whenever I would start dwelling on past events, on wrongs done to me or on wrongs that I had done to others, I would start to relive the feelings of the past and get angry, depressed, you name it. If I had either forgiven or asked for forgiveness, then I was purposely going back to the filth of those sins and wallowing in them probably not such a good thing to do. Then there's the word "brooding." Now, some folks use that word to mean fuss or fume over something, but this is the same word that the God uses in Genesis when He says that the Spirit of the Lord was brooding over the face of the deep during creation. There is a sense of care and nurturing attached with this word. Was I really caring for and nurturing my feelings of pain and frustration that are attached with those times gone by? You bet I was! Lastly, if I really was dwelling on past events and brooding over times gone by, if my attention was focused there, could I really see the newness that the Lord was bringing to my life? Very simply, it was extremely difficult to do so because my attention was not on the Lord.

God is indeed doing new things in our lives. He wants to bring us to new places of intimacy with Him. He wants to heal us emotionally, physically, and spiritually. But we have to cooperate, let go of what lies in the past, focus our attention on the Lord, and be amazed at what He does for us!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Through the Red Sea..


“Tell…[your children]…the mighty things I have done.”

Ex 10:2 NKJV

It’s not enough to escape your past, its power over you must be broken; otherwise it’ll chase you the rest of your life. When you break away from something that keeps trying to recapture you, it’s crucial to get victory over it; otherwise you can’t move forward and enjoy the blessing God has in mind for you. It’s jarring to think something’s over only to find it isn’t. But remember, it was God who permitted Pharaoh to pursue Israel all the way to the Red Sea. Why? For two reasons: (1) “That I may show [you] these signs of Mine” (Ex 10:1 NKJV). God wants you to see that when you put your trust in Him, obstacles and opposition mean nothing. He wants this experience to be a ‘“landmark memory” you draw faith from when you face your next problem. (2) “That you may tell…[your children]…the mighty things I have done.” You don’t have to live under Pharaoh (Satan’s rule) any more. Like the Passover, when the blood of Jesus was applied by faith to the doorposts of your heart, your status changed. You’re no longer a slave but a child of God. The generational curse is broken. Your children can now grow up under God’s blessing. Abuse, alcoholism, anger and abandonment may have been the story of your past, but it’s no longer the truth about your future.

God can solve your problem in different ways, but sometimes He takes you through the Red Sea so that when you get to the other side you can look back and see Pharaoh and his armies “dead on the seashore” (See Ex 14:30) and know the battle is over!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

To Trust You

Do you hear me crying out to You?
Do you hear me I'm doing all I know to do

I can choose to ask why. I can choose to be angry.
I can wrestle when life is not what
I thought it would be
I can wish that all the pain would simply go away
And at the same time I can choose Lord to trust You

Do you see me I can’t do this on my own
Are you near me just let me know I’m not alone

To trust Your ways are not my ways
To know there’s purpose in this pain

To trust that you will bring my joy again
But I’m still asking why…

-Melissa Greene "To Trust you" -lyrics altered**

’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take Him at His word;
Just to rest upon His promise,
Just to know “Thus saith the Lord!”

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
O for grace to trust Him more

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Facing YOUR Giant..

All of us face "giants" from time to time. These "giants" try to do the same thing to us that Goliath did to the army of Israel to intimidate and bring fear. When the giants come we have to make a choice are we going to let them make us afraid or stand up to them through the power of the God?. David made the choice to not look at the size of the giant, but at the size of His God.So instead of running away in fear, he went out to meet his enemy.

You can't run from your giants, you have to face them. If you keep running from them, they will keep taunting you, and you will not have any peace.They will be out there every morning waiting for you, just like Goliath was there every morning. "in their face". If your knees are weak because of the giant that keeps oppressing you, if you are feeling the urge to run, if you are wanting to go and hide somewhere from it, the word to you this morning is the same one that David spoke to Saul, "Let no man's heart fail because of him.". Actually, it's your word from God. Don't let your heart fail because of it. Because the GOD is with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. You aren't facing it alone, "Lo, I am with you always." God will fight your battle for you just like He did for David if you will put your trust and confidence in Him instead of fleeing in fear. The Lord hasn't given you a spirit of fear, but power, love and a sound mind. Do what David did, look at the size of your God instead of the size of your giant. When you do, you'll discover that your God is bigger. If the earth is His footstool, then in proportion, how big is that giant now? Besides, if God was big enough and powerful enough to bring down David's giant, He's still big enough and powerful enough to bring down yours today. He hasn't changed!!!!. So, be strong in the Lord and the power of His might, because God in you is greater than any giant.

"And David said to Saul, 'Let no man's heart fail because of him: thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine.'"1 Samuel 17:32

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Place of Power

We all have times when people or circumstances come against us. Times when we feel cheated, mistreated, wronged, or taken advantage of. Maybe you're facing a difficulty today and you're not exactly sure how to handle it. If we look to the Word, we see that Jesus set a powerful example for us to follow. Here He was the King of kings and the Lord of lords in human form. He carried all the power in Heaven and earth inside of Him. Yet, when He was about to go to the cross, when the people were mocking Him, ridiculing Him, persecuting Him, and lying about Him, He didn't try to defend Himself. He didn't try to set the record straight. Do you know what He did? He just rested in the place of peace. He rested in who He was. He stood strong knowing that God, His Father, would deliver Him and He would have victory in the end.

When things aren't going right or you feel like you're being treated unfairly, you can do what Jesus did and stand strong in the place of peace. You can find security knowing that you are a child of the Most High God and He promises to deliver you. Remember this: Jesus said, "Peace be with you." He said, "My peace I leave with you." Hold on to that peace because nothing can take it from you unless you give it away. Don't let offense creep in. Offense is a liar. It will steal from you and drag you down. It will erode your self esteem and rob you of everything that Jesus has already done for you. Instead, find confidence in knowing who you are in Jesus Christ. Because He died, you can live in power. Because of what He bore, you get all the rewards–you get the peace, the power, the strength, and the anointing to overcome every obstacle you will ever face.

So, how do you put on love? It's interesting that with the principles of God, we always have to do something. Wouldn't it be nice if God would just come and put love on us? You know, in the middle of a heated discussion or when someone cuts us off in traffic, if He would just come and drop love right on us, then we would always do and say the right thing. But that's not how it works. We have to choose love. We have to choose to be patient, kind, humble, and giving. We have to choose His Word. We have to decide between what our mind is screaming and what our heart is whispering.

I encourage you today, read what First Corinthians 13 says about love. When you choose to read and meditate on God’s Word, you are "putting on love" and empowering yourself to make the right choices. And, even if you've made some mistakes in the past, today is a new day. Receive God's love and forgiveness. Put on His royal robe of righteousness today and don't forget to put on love!

Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let you heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful (John 14:27, NASB

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I really dont like the Twilight Saga like why is Edward called a "vampire" we all know he sparkles and really is a "fairy" :-) But my real problem isnt the the movie it self, Its the people who go see this movie that make me think.. and it breaks my heart.. you see there are MILLIONS of teenage girls, young and old Women , who are soo excited to go see this movie. That they will go see it 5 days straight from midnight opening day and there after. they call there friends they talk about it they talk about "Team Edward" and "Team Jacob".. They will talk to anyone about this movie, becasue theres a excitment in them about it, they cant wait until the next movie comes out its all they talk about, they wear the t-shirts and but the decals on there cars and posters in there rooms. They will buy the tickets in advance so they make sure they are one of the first ones to see it and get to the movies hours early and stand in line.. So your wondering why does this break your heart?.. there just going to to see somthing they like. Well when I see these "fans" It makes me wonder what if Christians were more excited about God than they are about a movie?.. What If christians acted more like a twilight fan when it came to serving the master of the universe?.. Can you imagine how many people would be saved?.. can you imagine the revival that would break up across the nation?.. Could you imagine that we couldnt wait to just dwell in his precence on sunday morning that we would dwell in his precence all the time?.. but thats what breaks my heart and what i dont like, because how people even christian act about this movie should be the way there hearts are towards God that they would be soo full of him and so excited everytime the church doors were open that worship would be soo diffrent because we had hearts open to him.. And that we would talk about him and people would actually SEE JESUS in us,and the excitment and Joy that he gives us. that they would want what we have...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Tough Seasons

Ref: Luke 8:43-48, Mark 5:25-34

There was a woman in the bible who had been dealing with the issue of blood for 12 years, when she hears about this saving king this man of God who is in her town and rumors where the only way to get things around back than, just by word of mouth, of what was going on in the city. She had got word that this man of God was doing healing; he was healing people, raising people from the dead, casting out demons. He was doing things that they hadn’t seen or even heard of. She decided that day, that this was going to be the day of her healing. I cant even imagine being in her shoes at that time, because during that time, because the condition that she had during that time was called being unclean, and most people with that condition had to stay outside the city gates, they weren’t even allowed inside, they couldn’t be a normal person everybody had to know what happened, everyone had to know… Some of us are in situations like this it may not be 12 years it may 30 years, 5 years, 2 months, maybe only 12 days. There’s a Savior, who not just in the “business” about us just hearing about him saving our lives, that’s the most important thing… there’s some of us who love God you’ve been serving him, but you have dealt with something for a long time that has kept you from truly loving God, Loving people, it effects everything you do, it effects your worship it effects the way you live your life. Jesus wants to remind us he is in control he is so faithful in Ephesians 3 it says there is nothing to big for God, nothing!.. We hear that and we think that’s nice for my neighbor, “pat on the back”, we walk away thinking it doesn’t apply to me but it applies to each of us every one of use each and every one of us. Sometimes we go through those seasons of just UGH...how many times do we go through those places where we are just broken even hope deferred.. Hope deferred makes the heart sick.. Sometimes there stuff in our heart, things that God wants us to let go of.. we have to lay those things down at times to take on who God says who we are and not walk regret and not walk in places of being hopeless because he gives us hope. God is in the pursuit of us walking in the freedom the anointing and the authority that we have because his son Jesus. We get to win, Satan doesn’t get to win, he’s a liar.. We should get up every morning and just kick him in the teeth.. but we let ourselves believe lies we have lived in these lies for years and years and years, and I pray that you get a revelation that God is for you and not against you he says he will never leave us nor for sake us, Just like the lady in the bible she decided you know what I may not be allowed to go into the city, I may have believed that I am this way or that way because of what people had said but tonight that doesn’t matter, that day she decided I don’t care what people say, I don’t care what people think I don’t care I don’t care I am going I am going after my Healing!.. I’m coming after this savior I’m gonna go and I’m going to find him and I’m going to press in and im not going to give up, She didn’t give up when she seen how many people were there needing something from this God, she came and she pressed in until she got her healing that day, the bible says the moment she got her healing the lord knew, and he said to her woman you are healed because of the faith in your heart, and her life changed that day. He is for us he isn’t against us, even in the tough seasons of like, he’s there and he’s come even to write upon your heart to remind you who he is that he’s never going to leave no matter what season your in. his word says in Romans 8 that there is nothing that will separate us from his love.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

sample::: The Tough Seasons

Somtimes we go through those seasons of just UGH...how many times do we go through those places where we are just broken even hope defered.. hope defered makes the heart sick..somtimes there stuff in our heart, things that God wants us to let go of.. we have to lay those things down at times to take on who God says who we are and not walk regret and not walk in places of being hopless becasue he gives us hope.

Monday, June 7, 2010

We will Stand..

Sometimes it's hard for me to understand
Why we pull away from each other so easily
Even though we're all walking the same road
Yet we build dividing walls between
Our brothers and ourselves

But I,I don't care what label you may wear
if you believe in Jesus you belong with me
The bond we share is all I care to see
And we can change this world forever
if you will join with me
Join and sing, sing

You're my brother, you're my sister
So take me by the hand
Together we will work until He comes
There's no foe that can defeat us
When we're walking side by side
As long as there is love
We will stand

The day will come when we will be as one
And with a mighty voice together
We will proclaim that Jesus
Jesus is King
And it will echo through the earth
It will shake the nations
And the world will see
See that

The time is here, the time is now
To take a stand, to make a vow
I won't let go, you're not alone
Now and forever we'll sing together

Friday, May 28, 2010

What Can Make Me Whole...

Bebe and CeCe Winans Song "Grace"...

If it wasnt for God's amazing grace where would we be?.. where would I be?... I'm so thinkful for his Grace...


Heaven knows I've done wrong; mercy helped me see I've been living a lie.
And while writing this song, thinking 'bout Your goodness I started to cry.
Yes, oh oh oh grace; what would I do without grace (do without grace)

Hide behind a painted smile; you lash out and sing while you're spiritually down, yeah
There's no need to sit in denial; He knows all about it and understands why (yes He does)
Oh oh oh grace (oh grace oh grace); what would I do without grace
Oh oh oh grace; where would I be, where would I be without grace

How can you love me still when I've done wrong (grace)
And how can I make it through this angry storm (oh grace)
Say oh oh oh grace; what would I do without Your grace
Oh oh oh grace; where would I be without grace (where would I be without grace)

What can make me whole in my soul (grace grace)
What can wash my sin (grace)
Say grace; what would I do without Your grace (couldn't make it)

Tell you what lately I've learned; He picks me up whenever I'm down
(Have you ever been down? I've been down.)
Nothin' I've done or can do can take away this love, this love that I've found

Oh oh oh grace (grace); what would I do, what would I do without grace
Oh oh oh grace; where would I be without grace

Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now I'm found, I was blind but now I see

That's why we say amazing; that's why we sing amazing grace (I can't move without it)
I can't live without Your grace; thank You for Your grace

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I believe and confess that the name of the Lord is my source of constant victory. Every satanic opposition which comes against me is frustrated in the name of the Lord. Every attempt of the enemy to alter the word of God in my life is nullified in the name of Jesus. For the Lord causes me to be free from every satanic activity. The Lord gives me freedom form the stronghold of the enemy.

I believe and confess that the strongholds of the Satan against the life of my family and friends is nullified in the name of Jesus. Every seed, every planting that is not of God is uprooted in the name of Jesus. I uproot every seed of discord which the enemy is sowing in my life, work and church. The evil seed sown by the enemy shall not grow. I speak boldly against every seducing spirit and I declare my victory over them. I reject every attempt of the enemy to draw me into his lies. I cancel and nullify the spirit of worry and doubt sent to torment my mind.

By faith, I untie the cords of Satan that have been woven around people who come my way. I loose them in the name of Jesus. By faith, I cast out every spirit of deception that tries to work on me, lure me away from the purpose and plan of God. I cast down every imagination and every lie that comes from the pit of hell. Every demonic squatter sent around my life is dispersed and destroyed in the name of Jesus. The spirit of lunacy, palsy, depression and evil is commanded to leave in the name of Jesus. I boldly confess that the Lord is turning every blow of Satan to a blessing. God is casting down every lie the enemy is trying to sell to my mind in the name of Jesus. I exercise my legal right as revealed in the word against every weapon of Satan. I come against the enemy in the name of Jesus and declare my total victory.

I boldly confess that no weapon of the enemy will be effective against me for the power of the spirit of God in me rises against every lie of the enemy. By faith, I thank the Lord for the redemptive and protective power in the blood of Jesus and therefore declare that every stronghold of the enemy be dislodged because

I am blessed and highly favoured

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Crimson stain.. Washed White as Snow...

"Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow."
.. Have you ever Really thought about the words in this song?.....

HE--The God of the universe. My Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer, Rewarded, Rebuilder, Restorer, Maker all things new, Deliverer. My Father, Best Friend, Author of Salvation, Air I Breathe, Everything I know to be GOOD and TRUE. HE did it. HE took my sins away. Not MY efforts. Not MY works. Not my family. Not my best friend back home. Not a song that gives me chills. Not a TV show or magazine add that made me feel better or worse about myself. Not my good grades or social status. HE DID IT. I DIDN'T DESERVE IT. HE DIDN'T HAVE TO. BUT HE DID. HE did.

WASHED-- I LOVE the smell of just-cleaned clothes. I love the feel of just-out-of-the-dryer jeans and socks (in the winter...not so much in the blazing heat). I love knowing that the events of yesterday (the chocolate smudge on my jeans; the coffee I spilled on my shirt in the car; my socks that smelled from running) but there is no remaining evidence that they ever existed in my yesterday. They are gone. They've been scrubbed out. Rinsed out. And given a clean start to (inevitably) happen again. He WASHED my junk out. He-the God of the universe-took my DIRTY stains and gave me a brand NEW shirt. A NEW pair of socks to run in today. He knows the patterns of life that will again turn me away from His pure gift, but He does my laundry anyway.

IT--Sin. MY sin. The JUNK. The unforgivable. The things hidden in the secret places that I think no one else knows about. But He knows. And He forgives. He still chooses to take IT. My garbage. The box that I put Him in. The lack of trust. The worrying. The pride. The word. The thoughts. The actions. MY dumpster of rebellion and unbelief.

WHITE--Such a pretty color. :) I always thought those people who answered the question, "what is your favorite color" with "WHITE" were boring and not very risky. I mean come on...white? But now I think they were on to something. White is just a happy color to me. No spots or lines or worrying if it matches. PURE. Simple. CLEAN. I have this thing where every time I sort of "start over" and recommit to something I always go by a new notebook or journal. It's a new beginning. Clean pages for a NEW story, with a different ending-hopefully a better one that takes me a little farther than before.. a little closer to the goal...until I realize it's time to wipe the slate clean and try again. A new canvas for the artist to create a masterpiece.

AS--A comparison word. I almost skipped this word because please, it's like 2 letters and exists simply serves its grammatical purpose in completing the sentence. But then I started thinking about the meaning of comparing us to the next word seen below, and realized that this word "as" has more meaning than I thought. "White AS snow". Not ALMOST as white as snow. Not ALMOST pure and beautiful. Not ALMOST a clean slate. WHITE AS SNOW. PERIOD. The whole shebang. All of IT. GONE. HE makes us perfect and worthy. HE calls us into His own. He chose you. He chose me. In our darkest, dirtiest, most weak and pitiful state. And He washed us as white as snow.

SNOW--I love New York in January after the snow has fell in central park I love how PURE everything looks. How PEACEFUL. How that fresh blanket of snow angel fun is so inviting as it beckons me to come and play play like when I was a child and had no worries or fears--just complete delight in my surroundings. God invites us into the same purity as that of his perfect Son. To delight in everything that He is and surrounds us with. To be at peace with and in Him. To be beautiful because of Him. To be WASHED as WHITE as SNOW

Monday, February 15, 2010

Stay w/ God..

Sometimes there's just no need to add your own two cents...

"...with Him on my side I'm fearless,
afraid of no one and nothing...

...I'm asking God for one thing,
only one thing;
To live with Him in his house
my whole life long.
I'll contemplate His beauty;
I'll study at His feet.
That's the only quiet, secure place in a noisy world,
The perfect getaway,
far from the buzz of traffic.

God holds me head and shoulders
above all who try to pull me down.
I'm headed for His place to offer anthems
that will raise the roof!
Already I'm singing God-songs;
I'm making music to God...

...Point me down your highway, God;
direct me along a well-lighted street;
show my enemies whose side you're on...

...I'm sure now I'll see God's goodness
in the exuberant earth.
Stay with God!
Take heart. Don't quit.
I'll say it again:
Stay with GOD."
from Psalm 27, The Message

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Disturb me

Disturb me for the one whose given up
For the one who’s perseverance has run out
Disturb me for the heart that knows no love
That looks everywhere else to find their worth

..I'm still amazed
At how you've changed, me..

Disturb me for the one who lives in chains
For the one who’s captive in the prison of their shame
Disturb me as a former prisoner of despair
Whose warden was her own jealousy and fear

Burden me so I can see your heart
That my hunger might be for something more
Teach me how to serve
With words of grace and hands of love
I long to feel the dust around your feet
Disturb me

It shakes me to my roots
That people might have turned from you
Because of what they’ve seen inside of me
Or didn't see...

Burden me so I can see your heart
That my hunger might be for something more
Teach me how to serve
With words of grace and hands of love
I long to feel the dust around your feet
Disturb me...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Love Letter

My Child,

Not only can I hear you, but I know everything about you. (Psalm139:1) I know when you sit down and when you rise up. (Psalm 139:2) I am familiar with all your ways. (Psalm 139:3) Even the very hairs on your head are numbered. (Matthew 10:29-31) For you were made in My image. (Genesis 1:27) In Me, you live and move and have your being. (Acts 17:27-28)

For you are My offspring. (Acts 17:28) I knew you even before you were conceived. (Jeremiah 1:4-5) I chose you, when I planned creation. (Ephesians 1:11-12) You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in My book. (Psalm 139:15-16) I determined the exact time of your birth, and where you would live. (Acts 17:26) You are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14) I knit you together in your mother's womb. (Psalm 139:13) And brought you forth on the day you were born. (Psalm 71:6) I have been misrepresented by those who don't know Me. (John 8:41, 42, 44) I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love. (1 John 4:16) And it is My desire to lavish My love on you. Simply because you are My child, and I am your Father. (1 John 3:1) I offer you more than your earthly father ever could. (Matthew 7:11) For I am the perfect Father. (Matthew 5:48)

Every good gift that you receive, comes from My hand. (James 1:17) For I am your provider, and I Meet all your needs. (Matthew 6:31-33) My plan for your future has always been filled with hope. (Jeremiah 29:11) Because I love you with an everlasting love. (Jeremiah 31:3) My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore. (Psalm 139:17-18) And I rejoice over you with singing. (Zephaniah 3:17) I will never stop doing good to you. (Jeremiah 32:40) For you are My treasured possession. (Exodus 19:5) I desire to establish you with all My heart, and all My soul. (Jeremiah 32:41) And I want to show you great and marvelous things. (Jeremiah 33:3) If you seek Me with all your heart, you will find Me. (Deuteronomy 4:29) Delight in Me, and I will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4) For it is I, who gave you those desires. (Philippians 2:13) I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine. (Ephesians 3:20-21) For I am your greatest encourager. (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17) And nothing will ever separate you from My love again. (Romans 8:38-39) I have always been your Father, and will always be your Father. (Ephesians 3:14-15)

Your Heavenly Father

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Prepare For Rain

Two farmers badly needed rain to grow their crops.
They both prayed to God for rain.
Only one farmer tilled his field and prepared it to receive the rain.

Which one do you think God gave the rain to?

Which are you?

Are you waiting for something to happen before you proceed on a project or idea? Are you waiting that elusive sign?

Heres the message: Dont wait. Have trust. Trust that those things that are necessary will fall into place when you are ready to receive them.

Stop waiting for everything on the checklist to be completed before you move on.

The only thing you are likely to achieve thru inaction is more inaction and waiting.

Till your field. Prepare for rain