Saturday, July 31, 2010

To Trust You

Do you hear me crying out to You?
Do you hear me I'm doing all I know to do

I can choose to ask why. I can choose to be angry.
I can wrestle when life is not what
I thought it would be
I can wish that all the pain would simply go away
And at the same time I can choose Lord to trust You

Do you see me I can’t do this on my own
Are you near me just let me know I’m not alone

To trust Your ways are not my ways
To know there’s purpose in this pain

To trust that you will bring my joy again
But I’m still asking why…

-Melissa Greene "To Trust you" -lyrics altered**

’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take Him at His word;
Just to rest upon His promise,
Just to know “Thus saith the Lord!”

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
O for grace to trust Him more

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Facing YOUR Giant..

All of us face "giants" from time to time. These "giants" try to do the same thing to us that Goliath did to the army of Israel to intimidate and bring fear. When the giants come we have to make a choice are we going to let them make us afraid or stand up to them through the power of the God?. David made the choice to not look at the size of the giant, but at the size of His God.So instead of running away in fear, he went out to meet his enemy.

You can't run from your giants, you have to face them. If you keep running from them, they will keep taunting you, and you will not have any peace.They will be out there every morning waiting for you, just like Goliath was there every morning. "in their face". If your knees are weak because of the giant that keeps oppressing you, if you are feeling the urge to run, if you are wanting to go and hide somewhere from it, the word to you this morning is the same one that David spoke to Saul, "Let no man's heart fail because of him.". Actually, it's your word from God. Don't let your heart fail because of it. Because the GOD is with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. You aren't facing it alone, "Lo, I am with you always." God will fight your battle for you just like He did for David if you will put your trust and confidence in Him instead of fleeing in fear. The Lord hasn't given you a spirit of fear, but power, love and a sound mind. Do what David did, look at the size of your God instead of the size of your giant. When you do, you'll discover that your God is bigger. If the earth is His footstool, then in proportion, how big is that giant now? Besides, if God was big enough and powerful enough to bring down David's giant, He's still big enough and powerful enough to bring down yours today. He hasn't changed!!!!. So, be strong in the Lord and the power of His might, because God in you is greater than any giant.

"And David said to Saul, 'Let no man's heart fail because of him: thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine.'"1 Samuel 17:32

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Place of Power

We all have times when people or circumstances come against us. Times when we feel cheated, mistreated, wronged, or taken advantage of. Maybe you're facing a difficulty today and you're not exactly sure how to handle it. If we look to the Word, we see that Jesus set a powerful example for us to follow. Here He was the King of kings and the Lord of lords in human form. He carried all the power in Heaven and earth inside of Him. Yet, when He was about to go to the cross, when the people were mocking Him, ridiculing Him, persecuting Him, and lying about Him, He didn't try to defend Himself. He didn't try to set the record straight. Do you know what He did? He just rested in the place of peace. He rested in who He was. He stood strong knowing that God, His Father, would deliver Him and He would have victory in the end.

When things aren't going right or you feel like you're being treated unfairly, you can do what Jesus did and stand strong in the place of peace. You can find security knowing that you are a child of the Most High God and He promises to deliver you. Remember this: Jesus said, "Peace be with you." He said, "My peace I leave with you." Hold on to that peace because nothing can take it from you unless you give it away. Don't let offense creep in. Offense is a liar. It will steal from you and drag you down. It will erode your self esteem and rob you of everything that Jesus has already done for you. Instead, find confidence in knowing who you are in Jesus Christ. Because He died, you can live in power. Because of what He bore, you get all the rewards–you get the peace, the power, the strength, and the anointing to overcome every obstacle you will ever face.

So, how do you put on love? It's interesting that with the principles of God, we always have to do something. Wouldn't it be nice if God would just come and put love on us? You know, in the middle of a heated discussion or when someone cuts us off in traffic, if He would just come and drop love right on us, then we would always do and say the right thing. But that's not how it works. We have to choose love. We have to choose to be patient, kind, humble, and giving. We have to choose His Word. We have to decide between what our mind is screaming and what our heart is whispering.

I encourage you today, read what First Corinthians 13 says about love. When you choose to read and meditate on God’s Word, you are "putting on love" and empowering yourself to make the right choices. And, even if you've made some mistakes in the past, today is a new day. Receive God's love and forgiveness. Put on His royal robe of righteousness today and don't forget to put on love!

Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let you heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful (John 14:27, NASB

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I really dont like the Twilight Saga like why is Edward called a "vampire" we all know he sparkles and really is a "fairy" :-) But my real problem isnt the the movie it self, Its the people who go see this movie that make me think.. and it breaks my heart.. you see there are MILLIONS of teenage girls, young and old Women , who are soo excited to go see this movie. That they will go see it 5 days straight from midnight opening day and there after. they call there friends they talk about it they talk about "Team Edward" and "Team Jacob".. They will talk to anyone about this movie, becasue theres a excitment in them about it, they cant wait until the next movie comes out its all they talk about, they wear the t-shirts and but the decals on there cars and posters in there rooms. They will buy the tickets in advance so they make sure they are one of the first ones to see it and get to the movies hours early and stand in line.. So your wondering why does this break your heart?.. there just going to to see somthing they like. Well when I see these "fans" It makes me wonder what if Christians were more excited about God than they are about a movie?.. What If christians acted more like a twilight fan when it came to serving the master of the universe?.. Can you imagine how many people would be saved?.. can you imagine the revival that would break up across the nation?.. Could you imagine that we couldnt wait to just dwell in his precence on sunday morning that we would dwell in his precence all the time?.. but thats what breaks my heart and what i dont like, because how people even christian act about this movie should be the way there hearts are towards God that they would be soo full of him and so excited everytime the church doors were open that worship would be soo diffrent because we had hearts open to him.. And that we would talk about him and people would actually SEE JESUS in us,and the excitment and Joy that he gives us. that they would want what we have...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Tough Seasons

Ref: Luke 8:43-48, Mark 5:25-34

There was a woman in the bible who had been dealing with the issue of blood for 12 years, when she hears about this saving king this man of God who is in her town and rumors where the only way to get things around back than, just by word of mouth, of what was going on in the city. She had got word that this man of God was doing healing; he was healing people, raising people from the dead, casting out demons. He was doing things that they hadn’t seen or even heard of. She decided that day, that this was going to be the day of her healing. I cant even imagine being in her shoes at that time, because during that time, because the condition that she had during that time was called being unclean, and most people with that condition had to stay outside the city gates, they weren’t even allowed inside, they couldn’t be a normal person everybody had to know what happened, everyone had to know… Some of us are in situations like this it may not be 12 years it may 30 years, 5 years, 2 months, maybe only 12 days. There’s a Savior, who not just in the “business” about us just hearing about him saving our lives, that’s the most important thing… there’s some of us who love God you’ve been serving him, but you have dealt with something for a long time that has kept you from truly loving God, Loving people, it effects everything you do, it effects your worship it effects the way you live your life. Jesus wants to remind us he is in control he is so faithful in Ephesians 3 it says there is nothing to big for God, nothing!.. We hear that and we think that’s nice for my neighbor, “pat on the back”, we walk away thinking it doesn’t apply to me but it applies to each of us every one of use each and every one of us. Sometimes we go through those seasons of just many times do we go through those places where we are just broken even hope deferred.. Hope deferred makes the heart sick.. Sometimes there stuff in our heart, things that God wants us to let go of.. we have to lay those things down at times to take on who God says who we are and not walk regret and not walk in places of being hopeless because he gives us hope. God is in the pursuit of us walking in the freedom the anointing and the authority that we have because his son Jesus. We get to win, Satan doesn’t get to win, he’s a liar.. We should get up every morning and just kick him in the teeth.. but we let ourselves believe lies we have lived in these lies for years and years and years, and I pray that you get a revelation that God is for you and not against you he says he will never leave us nor for sake us, Just like the lady in the bible she decided you know what I may not be allowed to go into the city, I may have believed that I am this way or that way because of what people had said but tonight that doesn’t matter, that day she decided I don’t care what people say, I don’t care what people think I don’t care I don’t care I am going I am going after my Healing!.. I’m coming after this savior I’m gonna go and I’m going to find him and I’m going to press in and im not going to give up, She didn’t give up when she seen how many people were there needing something from this God, she came and she pressed in until she got her healing that day, the bible says the moment she got her healing the lord knew, and he said to her woman you are healed because of the faith in your heart, and her life changed that day. He is for us he isn’t against us, even in the tough seasons of like, he’s there and he’s come even to write upon your heart to remind you who he is that he’s never going to leave no matter what season your in. his word says in Romans 8 that there is nothing that will separate us from his love.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

sample::: The Tough Seasons

Somtimes we go through those seasons of just many times do we go through those places where we are just broken even hope defered.. hope defered makes the heart sick..somtimes there stuff in our heart, things that God wants us to let go of.. we have to lay those things down at times to take on who God says who we are and not walk regret and not walk in places of being hopless becasue he gives us hope.